Peatson's Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

Electric Furnaces: Everything You Need to Know

Monday, January 18th, 2021

We know, there are probably a lot of homeowners reading this title and thinking to themselves, “Why on earth would I ever buy an electric furnace?” While gas furnaces are extremely popular (and for good reason), we continue to advocate for electric furnaces. Not every home is set up to have a gas furnace, not every family can afford a heat pump, and not everyone needs a huge, complicated heating system. Sometimes, you just want something that works, and works well.

Electrical furnaces in our area are a great way to deal with the cold. For smaller homes and homes that are a little more off the grid, we absolutely recommend them for a variety of reasons that we’ll get into. One of them is that furnace repair in Brampton, ON is easy to find and very quick when you work with the right professionals.

Want to know more about why an electric furnace might be perfect for you? Then keep reading!

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5 Signs Your Furnace Is Struggling

Monday, December 7th, 2020

We are in the middle of the heating season at this point. Furnaces have been chugging along for months keeping our homes warm and toasty, and it’s only going to get chillier from here until March rolls around. So, if your furnace starts running into problems at this time of year, don’t be too alarmed. This is the time of year when we see furnaces on the fritz very often because it’s when they’re used the most and starting to wear down.

It might be finally time to invest in furnace repairs in Mississauga, ON for the various reasons we’re about to mention. We totally understand why homeowners might not want to think about furnace repairs until the season is over—but unfortunately, it’s a necessity that comes with this season. If your furnace is performing any of these strange signs below, then we’d like to politely tell you that it’s time for furnace repair.

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It’s Time to Address That Pesky Furnace Repair

Monday, November 9th, 2020

We get it. The moment you start thinking about the furnace issue that needs to be addressed, the stress begins. You start ignoring it, trying to avoid thinking about how much it’s going to cost to get it repaired, and as you do this it just gets worse.

We’re not asking you to start stressing out about furnace repairs. Actually, we’re trying to convince you that if you choose the right team to have your pesky furnace repair addressed, it can be a pleasant experience. We want to emphasize two things today: One is that your furnace should be repaired if you’ve been encountering issues, and the other is that our team is the best-equipped to fix your problem.

Keep reading if you want the lowdown on furnace repair in Brampton, ON. We’ll get into the details about the furnace repairs you could be facing, and how we can help.

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Common Furnace Problems We Run Into

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Furnaces are as reliable as they come. Many gas furnace models today are not only highly efficient, but they’re affordable and run for up to 15 years, which is a long time to have quality heating. That being said, we’d be lying if we didn’t say that furnaces will run into a few hiccups every now and then. For those hiccups, there are companies like us who can provide comprehensive furnace repair and leave you better than when we arrived.

Though, you’re going to need to know when there’s an issue with your furnace. Without having the knowledge about when your heater is having trouble, it’s going to be tough to know when calling us is your best option. Heating in Brampton, ON should never be taken lightly, especially with our extreme winter temperatures on the horizon this year.

So, let’s take a look at some of the most common heating issues that arise in furnaces and what a homeowner like you should do about it.

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The Case of the Mysteriously Malfunctioning Furnace

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Before we call Nancy Drew or Encyclopedia Brown, we should probably contact someone more qualified to diagnose problems with a furnace, right? After all, teen detectives might be better at unmasking a villain, but in no circumstance should they be working on a gas furnace that’s having pilot light problems!

It’s not as groovy of a name, but you can think of the team here at Peatson’s like the brilliant teen detectives of these mystery novels, except that we’re a good amount older and a lot more experienced when it comes to repairing your mysteriously malfunctioning furnace.

However, just like the beginning of every mystery, the detectives aren’t always there at the scene of the crime. That’s where you come in! If you’re looking to see when you’re in dire need of furnace repair in Caledon, ON—you’re going to have to be the detective until you can call a professional technician to be on the case. So, let’s follow the clues!

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