Peatson's Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Brampton’

How Long Does an Air Filter Last?

Monday, July 19th, 2021

We talk a lot about air purification systems and air conditioners on this blog, but we don’t give nearly enough attention to air filters.

Air filtration systems go through a lot of abuse. While homeowners might understand that cleaning an air filter is a regular practice, those air filter systems also don’t last forever. In fact, an air filter will start to lose effectiveness after about five years, and depending on the type of air filtration system, you’ll see more contaminants in your air as a result.

We’re not saying this to scare you or make you think your air filter is falling apart. Instead, we’d like to take this as an opportunity for you to invest in air filter replacement in Brampton, ON that takes care of your air like your old one used to.

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What Does an “On-Demand” Heater Mean?

Monday, April 12th, 2021

We get this question a lot from homeowners who really want to upgrade their water heater system, but just don’t know enough about the technology to make a confident decision. We get it, any large investment is going to sound scary, especially when there’s new technology that you’ve likely never heard of.

How about we make a deal with you. By the end of this blog post, you should have at least a bare minimum knowledge of on-demand or tankless water heating systems. If you don’t, then either we haven’t done our jobs well enough, or you can call our team for water heater services in Brampton, ON. Regardless, we’re happy to discuss everything further.

We’re not just any old HVAC team, we’re a local team of experts who are hell-bent on making sure every homeowner is happy, secure, and comfortable.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

The best solid answer we could give you right now is maybe. But that’s mostly because it’s not really up to us, and every furnace is in a different place. Some furnaces absolutely should be replaced now, and others could probably go for a few more years with minor repairs. The decision is up to you, and we’re just here to help you make it.

If you’re certain you need our help with furnace services in Brampton, ON, then you can call us. Our team is ready and available to replace furnace systems in this area. However, if you’re uncertain, feel positive your furnace is fine, or you just want to double-check, then keep reading.

We’ll get into the specifics below. Keep an open mind and be ready to take some notes if anything sounds familiar.

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Your 2021 Heater Checklist

Monday, February 15th, 2021

It’s been 2021 for almost two months now, and it’s time we did a bit of a check-in. Some homeowners might be pleased with the functionality of their heating system and for you, we say congratulations! For everyone else who is struggling to finish the winter strong with a heater that’s making noises, driving up your bills, and constantly putting you on edge, we’re here to help.

Checklists are helpful when it comes to heating in Brampton, ON. Not only will they keep you alert for problems that could arise, but they’ll also remind you to schedule maintenance and keep things running efficiently. By creating a checklist with our help, you’re statistically more likely to avoid expensive repairs and surprises that come from an HVAC emergency.

Yep, you heard that right. You can avoid surprises by working with us and putting together a checklist right now. Let’s begin!

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Electric Furnaces: Everything You Need to Know

Monday, January 18th, 2021

We know, there are probably a lot of homeowners reading this title and thinking to themselves, “Why on earth would I ever buy an electric furnace?” While gas furnaces are extremely popular (and for good reason), we continue to advocate for electric furnaces. Not every home is set up to have a gas furnace, not every family can afford a heat pump, and not everyone needs a huge, complicated heating system. Sometimes, you just want something that works, and works well.

Electrical furnaces in our area are a great way to deal with the cold. For smaller homes and homes that are a little more off the grid, we absolutely recommend them for a variety of reasons that we’ll get into. One of them is that furnace repair in Brampton, ON is easy to find and very quick when you work with the right professionals.

Want to know more about why an electric furnace might be perfect for you? Then keep reading!

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Looking for a New Heater? Here Are Your Options

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

This is one of our favorite times of year. No, it’s not really about the dinner, seeing friends and family, and the holiday presents at the end of the year. Well, we love those things too. What this is really about, is that this season is often when homeowners start making decisions as to what heating system they will invest in. For those who are purchasing new homes (congratulations) and for anyone who is looking to upgrade their home comfort, this blog is for you!

We’re going to take a deep dive into the different types of heating systems we offer. From ductless systems to furnaces, there are all sorts of heating systems that can provide quality comfort and low bills. The important aspects are that you purchase a heater that’s right for you, and you invest in the right heater service in Brampton, ON that’s supplied by a crew you trust.

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It’s Time to Address That Pesky Furnace Repair

Monday, November 9th, 2020

We get it. The moment you start thinking about the furnace issue that needs to be addressed, the stress begins. You start ignoring it, trying to avoid thinking about how much it’s going to cost to get it repaired, and as you do this it just gets worse.

We’re not asking you to start stressing out about furnace repairs. Actually, we’re trying to convince you that if you choose the right team to have your pesky furnace repair addressed, it can be a pleasant experience. We want to emphasize two things today: One is that your furnace should be repaired if you’ve been encountering issues, and the other is that our team is the best-equipped to fix your problem.

Keep reading if you want the lowdown on furnace repair in Brampton, ON. We’ll get into the details about the furnace repairs you could be facing, and how we can help.

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Duct Sealing: How It Can Help You

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Homeowners think that their HVAC system is the only important component to their energy-efficiency. While it certainly is the most important aspect of it, since your air conditioner or heater will produce the comfortable temperatures you need, it’s not the only piece.

Your ductwork is a huge part of the cooling and heating process as well, and the leakier it is, the more problems you’re going to encounter. Not only that, but no matter how powerful your heater is, it’ll never be able to keep you cozy and comfortable for an affordable price without sealed ducts.

Do you need duct sealing in Brampton, ON? What are the conditions of your ducts? Well, we can answer those questions if you keep reading. We’ll talk about everything that can be improved by duct sealing. This is an absolutely essential service and we promise you’ll be better off after you get it done.

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A Correct Installation Matters: Here’s Why

Monday, October 12th, 2020

So you’ve gone ahead and made the decision to purchase a new air conditioning system installation. Great! You’ve got some wonderful comfort in your future if you get it installed the right way.

Sorry to be the Debby Downer, but there’s really something to be said about the difference between amateur AC installation and an air conditioner that’s put together by the best professionals in the business. While you might think that air conditioning installation in Brampton, ON is just about plugging the system in and letting it keep you comfortable, it’s much more complicated than that.

We’ll get into the details below of why it’s so important that you get your system installed by a pro. But first—take our word for it and give us a call if you’re looking for a system installation.

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Fast Repair Vs. Neglect

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Here’s a conundrum that a lot of homeowners often fall into. People like to wait for a long period of time before they make a purchase, it’s one of the most important aspects of being a consumer. When you buy a TV or a car, it’s incredibly important to think about this type of investment and make sure it’s the right one for you. We implore homeowners to do this for AC purchases all the time!

However, when it comes to AC repair in Brampton, ON, this kind of waiting is hard to do. The longer you wait to budget and compare, the more your air conditioner could start faltering. Problems can compound and multiply, which means the longer you wait, the more money you end up spending on repairs.

That’s why we’d like to talk about neglect. Are you neglecting a repair need? Let’s find out!

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