Are you ready for a ductless heating system? We’re actually curious as to whether or not your home is ready for a ductless heating system. So many homeowners contact us for their heating solutions, only to be confused when they’re told that there are other solutions besides a furnace or a boiler.
The truth of the matter is that not enough homeowners know about the benefits that can be had from a ductless heating system. They’re flexible, efficient, environmentally friendly, and easier to install than other systems. If you’ve ever considered ductless heating in Brampton, ON or are even thinking about a new heating solution, give this post a quick read and contact us for any questions you still have.
We wish that all homeowners we deal with could be caught up to speed on ductless systems, and we’ll be starting today with you!
The Advantages of a Ductless System
As the name implies, ductless heating systems are heat pumps that require no duct installation whatsoever. While that’s how most homeowners know them, there are actually a plethora of other benefits that come from such systems.
Traditional furnaces or other forced-air heating systems that use air ducts, heat your whole home to the same temperature without expensive zone control systems installed as well. Ductless heating systems rely on air handlers scattered throughout your home to provide heat where it counts. This means that different rooms can be heated to different degrees according to your own specifications. Stop fiddling around with your main thermostat trying to get the right temperature in your bedroom. Have a ductless system installed so that you can specify how warm you want it, where you want it.
Efficiency is an industry term that really translates to “saving you money.” A system that runs more efficiently will, by default, cost less money to operate than one that’s inefficient. If you’re looking into ductless heating, we’ve got good news for you!
Ductless systems don’t require air ducts to circulate heat through your home. This is important, since air ducts can be a location where up to 30% of your home’s heat can be lost when they aren’t maintained correctly. If you’ve got a ductless heating system installed in your home, you never have to worry about losing heat in your air ducts since you won’t be using ducts at all!
Easy Installation
Having a new furnace installed with ductwork can be an invasive, extensive, and expensive procedure that can halt your life. With ductless heating systems, you don’t need to worry about the installation of ducts or a ventilation system, since these heaters rely on air handlers instead!
Environmentally Friendly
Ductless heating systems rely on ENERGY STAR guidelines since they run on electricity. You don’t have to worry about burning gas or oil, these heating systems will provide the same utility as an electric car while consuming electricity. All that needs to happen is the circulation of refrigerant throughout the heating system and the blower fans to circulate the air. That’s it!
Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Call Peatson’s Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. to get your ductless heating system installed today!