Air conditioners naturally dehumidify the air that they cool. This isn’t a surprise, you can feel it on the hottest and most humid days of the summer. The problem that most homeowners don’t understand is that the water taken from the atmosphere has to go somewhere, and that area is called the condensate drain.
If you didn’t know what your condensate drain was before, chances are you also aren’t aware if there are any problems with it. Clogged condensate drains occur all the time, and they can lead to some serious problems. That’s why we’re shifting focus to talk about the natural dehumidification properties of air conditioners and to better inform you on the anatomy of your system.
If you think there’s a problem with dehumidification in your home or that there’s a clog forming in your condensate drain, call our team for air conditioning repair in Brampton, ON.
What Happens
When your air conditioner removes heat from the air, it also removes moisture through condensation. The water vapor in the air then turns to liquid water which slides down the system through a condensate drain. This is important because, without this process, your air would feel much warmer than it is and your air conditioner would have to work much harder to keep your home cool like you want it to be.
Central Air Conditioner
If you’ve got a central air conditioner, then you’re one of the lucky ones when it comes to condensate issues. Central air conditioners have a large, robust outdoor cabinet that is able to pump the condensate water directly into your sewer line. This process is quick and easy and takes place a good few feet away from your home so you’re always safe from moisture problems.
However, problems can still occur and you might damage your air conditioner if you notice a condensate clog or leak. Air conditioners pull between five and 20 gallons of water out of the atmosphere each day, so if your condensate drain begins to clog, you could see where that can become a problem for the air conditioner. Make sure you have any issues with your condensate drain addressed by a professional technician.
Ductless Air Conditioner
Ductless systems function a little differently than their central AC cousins. A ductless air handler is going to need to pump condensate from the inside of your home to the outside. This is different since a central air conditioner performs the condensation step outside while a ductless system condenses the moisture in the air inside your home.
Here’s the problem—condensate drains in a ductless AC system run from the back of the air handler through a hole in your wall. If there’s a clog in your condensate drain, you can bet that there will be issues not just in your air conditioner, but in the walls and floors of your home. These leaks or clogs can sometimes lead to moisture rotting your floorboards, walls, and eventually contributing to mold growth.
Take care of your air conditioner. If there’s a problem with the condensate drain, don’t just assume it’s not important. Get a professional on the case today!
Call the crew at Peatson’s Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. We’ve got you covered.